In addition to keeping a pretty fair garden at times, we also belong to a CSA -- Rita's Roots. The fall harvest has just started coming in which means we've got lots of greens and root veggies. I put this organic chicken in the dutch oven with a little olive oil, turnips, carrots, and onions (actually started with the oil and onions on the stove top and cooked them until they were translucent). Added the other stuff, put the lid on tight and put it in the oven at 250 for 4 hours. It all sort of melted together taking on what seemed like a sort of herby sweet flavor of whatever had been in the dutch oven the last time (rabbit, I think). After using the dutch oven I give it a good wipe/scrape with a paper towel, put a little water in it and bring it to a boil on the stove. Then I pour off the water and give it a wipe again, let it cool and store it uncovered. I never want it to get too clean so all those molecules of prior meals can add some magic....